The Ultimate Season

 As I reflect on turning 65 next month, I can’t help but to think back on my life and be so grateful. I am grateful that God saw fit to bless me with this time on earth and the peace that He has placed within my heart. There have been lots of seasons of uncertainty, confusion, hurt, and transitions. I believe all those seasons created in me who I am today. I never would have imagined that my life would be like it is now— owning a successful business and happily married again after losing Scott in 2015. My current husband, Mike, is wonderful. My life is peaceful. My focus is clear. My past has created my present, and my present is moving to my future, not a future here, but a future in eternity. This world is ever-changing with violence, hate and unforgiveness. I’m not able to watch very much of the news anymore. Families are torn by unforgiveness and love in the world is waxing cold. I am encouraged to know that I can be in the world, but not of the world. I can surround myself with the light of others within my circle. As my light shines bright, God can change darkness to light as He works within me. Many times, I am frustrated by the attitudes of the unforgiveness of others, but I must realize that they also must go through the learning and transitions of life. It unfortunate that sometimes others don’t get the lesson until it’s too late. I must live life every day being grateful and focused on being the light of the world. At 65, my body is changing, and my mind is changing with maturity and wisdom brought on by experience.   My prayer is that somehow the light that God has placed within me can penetrate the darkness of others so that they, too, can experience the light of God and within that light they find freedom and peace.

I Am My Husband’s Rib!

Genesis 2-21-23  So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the LORD God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man.“At last!” the man exclaimed.“This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called ‘woman,’ because she was taken from ‘man.’”

After Scott passed away, I was alone and because I enjoyed marriage, I desired to start a life with another husband. I was 59 years old and I realized that for all practical reasons, most of my life was behind me. I enjoyed the marriage I had with Scott and it was my prayer that God send me someone else to be my husband. Today, a year later, I feel I have found not only my husband but that my husband has found his rib. Each marriage has a uniqueness that I dare not to compare; however, each of my  successful marriages had a common  main component needed in every marriage and that is God’s love. The love of God that lives in our husbands is powerful, meaningful, and wonderful. I know that I am my husband’s rib because service is a very important part of our relationship. Not how he can serve me but how I can serve him. Here are some points I would like for you to ponder:

  • His “rib” in me enables me to always desires the best for my husband at all times. If he is stressed about anything, I will pray for him and encourage him that everything will be alright.
  • You know when you are your husband’s rib when he is your favorite teacher and human role model. You find yourself getting the best advice from him and remembering that advice in times of conflict and confusion that we all experience in the world.
  • You know you are your husband’s rib when you are physically attracted to him in all stages of life. Even as he grows old and gray, with or without teeth, he is the most handsome man in your eyes because you are his “rib”.

They say marriage is challenging and tough, with ups and downs but I believe if you are married to your “rib” things may be tough and challenging but they will not feel that way because your husband is always praying for his “rib” and that brings peace to the marriage. This  is the same peace that is so misunderstood by the world.

Many of you want to be connected to the carrier of your “rib” and the way to connect to that person is quite simple. The first step is to ask God for the connection and the second and most important step is to believe that your husband is accessible despite what the world may say. The final step is to accept him as a gift from God regardless of the human package he may be in.  Once this happens, you will know your husband as you know yourself because when you know yourself, you will recognize the rib that is within him as you!!

Clarity of Purpose

What is clarity of purpose? How do we get clarity of purpose? Clarity of purpose tells us who we are, who’s we are, where are we going, how we are going to get there, and sometimes we will even understand why. Before we are to get clarity in our purpose we must first ask for it.  God speaks to us each day, but we only can hear him with open ears.

Scripture says in Proverbs 3-5-7 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths”

For us to hear God, we must acknowledge God.  And for us to acknowledge God,  we must trust God. Trusting God means knowing that despite what we see, all is well. What we see is temporary.  God is always before us seeing things in the spirit where  many times we only see things through fleshly eyes.

Many of us wear our glasses and without those glasses, we have a difficult time seeing the things that are right in front of us. By trusting God, He can change and prescribe a lens  that when we look through that lens we see clearly !!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.”

We must realize that our understanding is so limited. Our understand is many times mixed with emotions, feelings, circumstances and life struggles. As we trust God to be with us, he will speak to us thereby solving our most crucial dilemmas.  Trusting God gives us the assurance that all is well despite circumstances.

Once we have clarity of purpose we will see things unfold just as God planned and not as we planned it and what God plans is so much better than what we plan!

It is never wise to lean on our understanding. Who are we to understand anything! Do we try to understand the clouds in the air, why the wind blows, the seasons, where we’re going, and when we will get there– trust means that in ALL things we are guided by God.

“In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths”

Clarity of purpose comes with an acknowledgement  of God. We  acknowledge God by  seeking  Him, obeying Him, and hearing Him! Understanding comes when we realize that we don’t have the power to straighten our lives! God is the only one to make straight our paths only as we turn our lives over to him.

Do we really desire clarity of purpose?  Are we seeking purpose by reading God’s word while praying and meditating on it? Think about it and never cease to reflect on the fact that whatever’s going on in our life it is working out for our good!

Rest But No Sleep

How many of us have had times when we could not sleep. Sometimes it was because of stress, worry, or pain. Many times it may be because of resentment, lack of forgiveness, and discontentment with our situation of life.

God can give us rest without sleep because sometimes sleep will be withheld to give us a quiet time with God. Scripture says in Matthew 11 28–30

“Come unto me all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Put on my yoke and learn from me. I am gentle and humble and you will find rest for your souls. My yoke is easy to bear and my burden is light”

When reading this passage, I see that Jesus is not offering rest to everyone. He is telling us specifically who he is talking to. He did not say come rich, come powerful people, come wise, or come fools. This was a special offer to the weary. I think Jesus knew the circumstances where we would seek rest. He knew he needed words of life for those who are in the struggle

Rest  is a spiritual gift whereas  sleep is a physical condition. God gives us rest when we come to him and give him our burdens. It seems such an uneven exchange – Burdens for rest. But he is accustomed to uneven exchanges for he exchanged our sin for the gift of  eternal life. Also in the scripture, he is asking that we learn of him. Then he tells us what we will learn. How many teachers give us a test and then tell us the answer. But in the passage, Jesus does just that. He said exactly what you will learn ” I am gentle and humble and you will find rest for yourself” Jesus offers us rest but we must seek it with open eyes. He will not show it. It is up to us to find it. We can find it in the beautiful sunrise and sunset, in the quiet sounds of the night, and in the chirping of the birds. When we acknowledge all of creation and see it as our gift from God, we experience rest. In verse 30 it says ” my yoke is easy and my burden is light” The dictionary defines yoke as a wooden cross piece that is fastened over the neck of two animals and attached to the plow. When I read this Jesus is saying as long as you are attached(yoked) to me, I will pull you along with virtually no effort from you. It is the attachment (yoke) to him that gives rest.

It says “my yoke is easy my burden is light. Look at the word light. When Jesus said my burden is light it did not refer to the extent or weight of the burden but that Jesus burden gives us light because he exchanges our burdens for his light.

Jesus had no burdens because he had no sin!  He bore our burdens to give us light and with light we can experience rest!

Yes rest might not  always brings sleep but rest will give us a spiritual experience that will usher in the peace that goes beyond understanding

New Love-New Season

Wedding Day!! Cake was great!!

First date, July 25, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

Well it is difficult to belief but on January 22nd, 2017 I was married!! I don’t know how things happened so swiftly but I somehow think Scott’s prayers had a part in this occurrence.  His name is Mike and he and I went to high school together.  One day out of the blue, I messaged his brother on Facebook asking about him. Eventually, we got together and went on our first date July 25th, 2016. This was exactly one year after Scott passed away. Our relationship has been going full speed ever since we met. He too is my best friend and we have great times together. God has opened many doors for us that is amazing to me. He is a counselor and minister–Yes, Scott was too. He is loving and fun. Many times in living with him, I see so many similarities as to Scott–especially how he loves me!! No I am not trying to replace Scott with Mike because they are soo different, but I am enjoying this season just as much as I enjoyed the season with Scott.

I remember, right after Scott’s transition, I would thank God every day for allowing me to minister to His man of God. I was grateful to God for the opportunities he gave me to serve Scott–even through his sickness. I found a greater appreciation for life and a greater hope for future. I had accepted that Scott was gone and I would possibly be without a husband for the the rest of my life. Then I prayed and asked God for another opportunity at love, and God gave it to me and I am ever so grateful. I believe the key to getting our prayers answered with our hearts desires is to be grateful and thankful for how things are at the moment.  Yes I did miss Scott and was sad because he died and left me alone but I never ceased from being grateful for having that opportunity to live with him and enjoy him for 14 years of his life. I still think of Scott today but they are thoughts of love and appreciation. I realize God had an appointed time for him to transition to heaven and for me to start anew with Mike. I believe if you are God’s child, you cannot stop His plan for your life. As you submit to God, it will be revealed that God”s ways will, in the long run, be better than yours. In the mist of grief, we sometimes don’t see it, but just keep living and when you occasionally look back, you will see that everything is exactly the way it is suppose to be at that moment in time.

Yes, I have a second chance at love!! I appreciate the journey and embrace my new season!!

My Journey Podcast

A few months ago, I was asked to share my journey through grief and loss with a podcast sponsored by Colon Cancer Alliance. It was an honor to preserve Scott’s memory online. I believe my journey is purposeful and I believe I am used by God to fulfill purpose. As we travel the journey of life we must look to each situation as if it was “school”. reflecting on  what am I learning today and how can I use the experience to help others.

Fill free to share!

My Journey

A Special Date

November 17th  would have been Scott’s birthday. As I reflect on the past year and a half that he has been gone I can see God has done amazing things in my life. I am able to move forward in another relationship that is quite fulfilling however there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about Scott. The time we were together was amazing. I am sure that God placed us together for that season and I realize that there is no season that does not end.

Yes I am human and sometimes I wonder why so much sickness -why so much pain-Then I am reminded that life for all of us consists of things we don’t understand and experiences we don’t like however when we are grateful for the experiences we do like and place all the other experiences in God’s hands it makes for smooth sailing in life. Yes I do miss Scott but I do understand that the transition was needed to move me forward to the next level. I know Scott is in a much better place with no pain and suffering. He is at home with the Lord and today I am OK with that.


Moving Forward

As I get my luggage out to pack for my week of training next week, I come across some memories of when I was caring for Scott before he passed on July 28,2015. Memories over flood me and I become a bit teary-eyed amid my reflections. One thing I know about Scott was that he loved me very much. Even through his sickness he showed much love, patience and strength. He had a relationship with God like none other. He was strong in his belief and he never complained about his circumstance. I loved having the opportunity to take care of him. To take him to the doctor, to make the appointments, to just do everything I could to make sure he was comfortable. I know in my heart that was what my purpose was at that time. And I am so grateful to have been chosen for that purpose.

Today,  I am starting a new season with new goals and new purpose. I will always have a place for Scott in my heart and I am grateful to God to be able to love again. The person in my life now loves me and it feels so good to be truly loved again. It is my prayer to continue to walk in God’s purpose and to do his will as I travel this winding road of life.img_3045


Grateful! I am ever so grateful today!  Grateful for what I’ve been through where I am now and grateful for where I am going. God has given me a vision and the ability to take a sneak peek into what he has in store for me. The things God has for us is more than we imagine but those things will manifest  in the spiritual ream before appearing in the physical. The past season has taught me many things. It’s taught me love, patience, how to be connected spiritually to another, the joy of life and living, and the depth of prayer.  This season is all about an attitude of gratitude and the power of faith. Yes faith brings into existence what you were dreaming and faith can be the evidence of powerful actions or events to come. When faith is fully ignited,  challenges and uncertainty will appear and that is expected.  Because without challenges,  we would not recognize the miracles.

Yes my past season was great however this season is powerful. In this season I see through the eyes of faith and choose to experience the divine will of God.


Oh I just love couples. To see them out and about in daily life. Holding hands, gazing in each other’s eyes, having conversation, smiling and having fun. There is nothing like it. Many have not experienced the genuine love of another as a spouse, husband, wife or lover. The connection is like none other. Yes, there are disagreements and conflict, but when you are truly connected that is quickly forgotten and you move on to the next thing to be experienced together. That is the way it was with my husband, Scott, and the way it is with many of you and your mate. The difficulty is when that person is removed from you through death that you not only feel a longing for your mate, but a connection to others that are in a similar situation. The connection with your spouse has ended and you feel so alone but are we really alone? No, we have each other to lean on – the ones who are left behind to carry the torch of hope to those experiencing this disconnect afresh. Yes, I just love couples—however, I am ever reminded that one day the two will suddenly become one and that one will need a friend that fully understands the pain!